Before a Flood

Creating a personal flood plan

Having a flood plan is key to minimising the impacts of flooding

By planning in advance, not only will you be better prepared to respond in an emergency, but you will be better equipped to recover from it in the long term.
BeFloodReady has a Personal Flood Plan template that you can download below. 

Key items will be helpful when a Flood Alert is received

Key items will be helpful when there is an increased risk of flooding in your local area.

During a flood, or in the event that you have to leave your home for an unknown length of time, there are a number of key items that you will need quick access to.

A checklist of Key Items will be helpful when a Flood Alert or Warning is received, or when you think flooding may occur based on local indicators such as increased river level or prolonged heavy rainfall.
Flood Plan Icon

Your flood plan – Paper Copy

Mobile Phone & Charging Pack

Phone and charger/

Wallet with Cash Icon

Money & Cash

First Aid Kit

First Aid Kit

Keys Icon

Spare house and
car keys

Pencil & Paper Icon

Notebook and pen/pencil

Torch Icon

Torch (wind up or carry batteries)

Spanner & Screwdriver Icon

Tools – for fitting PFR measures and turning off utilities

Find your local

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For help and guidance on local flood risk management and to access support, please get in touch with your local council.
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Browse our directory to find your nearest BeFloodReady partner.